Daily Schedule
An example of a day at Irvine Childtime Daycare:
8:30-9:30 AM: Arrival/Wash hands/Settle in/Breakfast
9:3- 10:00 AM: Clean up/ Diaper change/Potty Break
10:00 -10:45 AM: Free Play/ Nap for littles
10:45-11:00 AM: Morning Snack ?Diaper Change/ Potty Break
11:00 -12:30 PM: Circle Time/ Learning Activity/ Clean up get ready for lunch
12:30- 1:30 PM: Lunch Time/ Bottle Feeding
1:30- 2:45 PM: Diaper Change/ Potty Break/ Second Nap/ Quiet time
2:45-3:30 PM: Free play
3:30- 4:30 PM: Outside activity/ Free activity
4:30- 4:45 PM: Second snack/Diaper Change/ Potty Break
4:45- 5:45PM: Study Time for older children. Story Time, puzzles, coloring, games
5:45- 6:30 PM: Free play, Clean up, Ready to go home
Note: Schedule is just an example but there may be changes.